Transparancy and work out

This week has been very exciting. Joe Biden´s triumph over Donald Trump at the American election came true at the inauguration. These weeks have been very turbulent with regard to democracy. I am sure the Corona virus has influenced voters, and that is not surprising. In a way, that is also democracy. Four years are to come with Biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris. Chancellor Angela Merkel marked that she will continue to keep an eye on the USA, and that is understandable since America has a lot of influence on European- and Middle East political relations. I hope the new American government will lead with transparency.

The Corona virus is still very active, and some people have talked about a third wave. Vaccines are available, and there has been time to prepare plans for vaccination. Different vaccines are available at various prices. Drug companies are negotiating with the EU, but local negotiations are also performed since, from what I understand, there are no specific laws yet within the EU regarding a pandemic. Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen is trying to keep together European countries.

Having the vaccine doesn’t mean that you can start living as usual again. Distancing and hand washing will still be very important. It is Saturday and I had my treat. Some training. I am not that strong, but those burpees and sit ups make me keep going in times like this. With distancing and hand washing sport is possible!

Stay safe 🐾


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