Summer time

Today is definitely no summer time. My parents are at church and I write. I am also preparing mentally for a run. I hear the rain and wind outside my window. There is an expression in Swedish “hundväder”. That is the perfect description of today. It is so bad weather that even the dogs do not want to spend time outside. So I feel like sweet Tippa and Lady today; just to have a lazy relaxing Sunday. I missed my family, that is why I am here. One day I will be alone. I don´t like that.

My urge for writing is varying more or less from day to day. I sometimes have problems with the internet. Today it works slowly. Patience. No internet freedom?

Very nice to be at my parents house. My mother has Alzheimer´s disease (a form of dementia) and that is a brain disease. For me it is sometimes horrible because it is not nice when your mother gets angry at you without a reason. Since I have knowledge about how Alzheimer´s disease can change moods I find that as a good explanation. But of course, that hurts my heart. Painful acceptance of biological cruelty.

I have a confession.  Again 😉 . I suffer. I have now lived like a nun for several years. I am waiting for a man. I have understood that when I show that I am not interested in a guy he makes up rumors so no other man will be interested in me. That is terrible. I have talked to friends who have had the same experience. Why is it like this?

Read the newspaper today. Interesting to read about what is going on in Uppsala. Since I write about Uppsala it is nice to remember.

Wish me good luck for my up coming jogging!

All the best.














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