Shop til you drop or shop stop? 

What is the latest news? The upcoming black week will be dominated by shopping. A shop ‘til you drop theme’. In the whole world? I guess so. The USA has Black Friday, but what about for example Australia? How will inflation affect sales? Or vice versa? I have changed my shopping habits during the pandemic. You find everything online. A little boring perhaps.

Dear readers, you know that I love listening to music. And you also know that I studied last spring. Studying was a disaster for my usual exercise. I had no time for sports at all. After a few months of basic training this autumn, I have returned to a rather good energy level. Soon I will make a comeback for the step workout. Music and a mixture of dance with strengthening movements. My absolute favorite.

Sometimes I browse and search for new music. By chance, I found this nice tune by the British band “The Beloved” from 1993. Surprisingly, I found more music made by them that I like. Sharing this song “Sweet harmony”. Do you have anything to recommend?


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