Pulse raising exercise 💚

This Monday I got a little walk with Molly. It was warm and she agreed. Ticks and horse-flies were very eager to stay close to us. You have to be careful since they bite. Molly has taken her tick medicine and I have been vaccinated against TBE. We cannot do much more than that.

It was too hot for jogging on Monday so I went this evening instead. My watch is very kind to me because my time is now 70 minutes. No slopes, and of course, that could be the explanation. However, it seems that I have a long way to go to regain my yoga-jogging as I usually say. That is, when I can go jogging and just enjoy the evening instead of thinking how exhausting it is. There were no people at Gärdet where the Womens’ mile usually starts. I have noticed that the entire track has changed since I joined last time. The start has been moved to the Maritime History Museum.

I love jogging in the summer since it is just warm and pleasant in the evening. I don’t need to warm up that much. We are in the middle of summer. I enjoy. Ending by sharing a photo of me and a happy Molly after a summer walk.

Stay safe 🐾

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