Is biology politics?

A new variant of SARS-CoV-2 has occurred. The B.1.1.529 variant of concern was assigned Omicron. Personally, I felt a bit relaxed after the second dose of the vaccine. I just wanted to forget about the pandemic. Like everybody else I guess. But there is no doubt that there has been an increase again in the reports of people falling ill in COVID-19. At the same time, there is an increase of other viruses that naturally occur at this time of the year. I am happy that you easily can go for rapid COVID-19 antigen tests. They are not 100% sure, but at least they have contributed to some kind of screening in society. They should be distributed for free in some way. But of course, there is always a second-hand market.

Biology definitely meets politics. I found this in the Guardian saying that travelers from Great Britain to Ireland must take COVID tests:

In Sweden, we have finally been recommended to wear medical facemasks in public transportations such as the underground. We still live with COVID-19. For how long, we don´t know. The pandemic is not over with. I continue with my usual exercise that I am happy with. It keeps my energy up.

Stay safe 🐾

Spiced Christmas wine, dogs and snow

It is chilly. And I like it. Then you really have a reason for having mulled wine or hot chocolate. The days are unfortunately shorter, but today was such a beautiful day. Sunshine, snow and that special feeling when it is so cold. There is no choice. You must wear a hat of some kind.

It was such a long time ago I saw Lady & Molly so I saw them today. A very short walk. Molly loves the snow and she runs a lot. Lady prefers to stay indoors. We had deer for lunch and I am sharing our winter walk.

Stay safe 🐾




Advent Sunday 🕯️

Advent is before time this year. I am happy that I have started to make my “lussekatter” early this year. Saffron is such a wonderful spice. It brings health and Christmas feel-good. This spice is harvested by hand from the Crocus sativus flower, largely cultivated in Iran and some other countries including Spain, India, and Greece. Saffron and its constituents are shown to possess several useful effects on for example learning and memory, and it has also been suggested to have anti-inflammatory effects. However, saffron requires further clinical- and animal studies.

The pandemic is still ongoing and is now very intense in South Africa. I searched among my photos and realized that it was long ago since I had any photos. This is due to the pandemic. I found this photo above and I like it very much. It is chilly, in some way sparkling, and also crispy. A winter concentrate. We still have a few weeks till Christmas.

                     Lussekatter 2021

Happy thanksgiving 🥳

Sweden has had a new Prime minister for a few hours, and this time a woman was elected for the very first time, namely Magdalena Andersson. It is rather messy politically in Sweden. Negotiations between various parties are ongoing. Magdalena Andersson has a promising background since she has been Minister of Finance. Economics is important, and it contributes to a solid ground for us, the citizens. Is she going to be a new Theresa May or Margaret Thatcher? Time will show. However, it will be interesting to see how she will build the new government.

America is celebrating Thanksgiving today. A lot of people are having some time off. I have already made my turkey, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts with cranberries. Couldn´t wait. It was delicious, and I am sharing a photo on Instagram. Searched for some American music 🇺🇸. First I thought of Bruce Springsteen, but since this is a historical moment from a political point of view in Sweden, why not Madonna? She always brings different and important topics up for discussion, and this is a nice song about something important – people. A huge subject.

Stay safe 🐾

Christmas mood

Soon the 24th of December. I mention it because I like this time of the year, and it is important to slow down and enjoy. It is dark. Rather chilly. My cheeks feel the wind when walking. As usual, I prepare myself for Christmas, and I do everything I can to get into the right mood. Maybe because I know that I need this December energy for the months after New Year. January, February, and Mars are unfortunately unavoidable. My little project this week is to make ginger cookies. It takes time but it brings a lot of tranquillity and to not forget, the flavour of Christmas.

I have shared quite a lot of music, and I missed the last time. I love the piano and I found this improvised INXS song. No Christmas music yet, but some beautiful piano.