Putin 🇫🇷!

Merdre! I have always loved languages. When I was in France I learned about “jeux de mots”. How to play with words. Recently, I saw the news that Putin and Macron were going to meet.  I actually started to laugh. But I stopped myself and I got reminded of the seriousness of the current situation. Ever since this pandemic started I have insisted that this is a political virus. When the Omicron virus variant appeared, I thought of President Macron, and a little later, Macron and Putin met.

I have been very careful throughout this pandemic since I know the negative consequences of falling ill in covid-19. A lot of people suffer, and a lot of people have passed away. This is of major importance. I had my third dose this week and I hope people go for the vaccine.

A few weeks ago I lost my dearest Lady. I have thought a lot about her, and she has been with me all the way when I started to write. She has been very devoted and my true supporter. It will take time for me to start to write again. Meanwhile, I stay here. Found this picture of her and also a song that I play in her memory.

In the middle of covid-19 pandemic?

Scandinavian countries, including Sweden, are opening the community, and soon we will live with few pandemic restrictions. I think this is a good decision. We have learnt how to protect ourselves from the virus, even though Omicron is very contagious. If you are sick, you should stay at home. Wash your hands. Keep distance. And so on.

However, I think that we should continue to regard this pandemic as if we are in the middle of it. It is not over, but we have learnt how to live and deal with it. Personally, I am tired of living my life with restrictions, but I will continue living as if Omicron is present.

Due to restrictions, it has been difficult to go for exercise. This afternoon I was lucky to go for some training. On Thursday I will have my third dose – are you vaccinated?

Stay safe 🐾

For inspiration to education and intellectual property

People who know me know that I like to study. Sometimes I am in the countryside where I actually started school. I found some old photos that I am sharing. It was always a very important day when school ended for summer vacation. We had the tradition of walking from school and then to the church where we celebrated summer with summer songs. After that, we had a lot of cake. I was blond my very first years. Yes, I dare show this old photo. My friends from school and our teacher.

I was interested in learning about the world at that age. And still am. This spring I will return to studies in Uppsala. A lot of studies. It is said to be campus studies meaning I have to be at the university for many hours every day. I am looking forward to this very much. I will deepen my knowledge about various diseases and what pharmacological treatment is available today. In brief, this is called clinical pharmacy. My knowledge will help optimize health and general wellbeing in patients.

Perhaps we will have some zoom education from Uppsala due to the pandemic. With regard to the current Omicron-Covid situation, I think that the most interesting question right now is whether it should be continued to be classified as a general dangerous disease. Where should the border be drawn? When can it be seen as a cold if you get infected? I must criticize the FHM (public health authorities) for not being able to predict this massive spread of the virus after Christmas-New Year. Now we have to live with so many restrictions and guidelines. Life is limited.

However, I will soon have my third dose of the vaccine. I am aware of possible side effects, but if I get infected, I might just have a sense of a cold and not being hospitalized.

Stay safe 🐾



Life and death

I have lost my dearest, Lady. She has been the most adorable dog. Always faithful, always happy, always sweet. She suffered from a bad infection in her uterus. It was terrible to make the decision with the veterinary to stop her suffering. Compared to many dogs she has had a very good life staying healthy. In human years, she was 84 years old. I hesitated to write about this since it is rather painful. But I know there are many people going through the same situation. It was very tough, but I held my sweetie when she fell asleep. The least I could do for her.

She always protected the garden, and I am sharing a photo of Lady and Tippa. Both of them are no longer with us. They are like South African Rhodesian Ridgebacks. They belong to the courtyard. If the house is sold, the Rhodesian Ridgeback stays with the house. Both Lady and Tippa belong to the house, and they are buried there. Dogs are man’s best friend and they have shorter lives. Just to accept.

Life continues and has to. I saw a dog yesterday and several people, including me, wondered where its mistress was. I got worried about the dog and tried to protect it from cars. Finally, the dog´s mistress appeared and told me that it is a well-behaved dog that doesn´t run into the street.

Many readers have asked about a picture of me. Finally, I have added a photo. With a lot of help from my internet support of course. I thought of not including dogs, but they will always be with me.

At the same time, a pandemic is ongoing. When will the mutations stop? Why so many mutations? People are dying, but not so severely as before since more people are vaccinated. Putin is about to annex Ukraine. Very severe since it is, according to me, an attack against the EU and the USA.

Stay safe 🐾


Research: from mouse to muslim

Everybody does research right now. PCR testing, antigen testing, epidemiology, incubation period, omicron, delta, mRNA, vaccines and so on. I have always been interested in learning, and later also teaching in life. Knowledge is hard work because you have to read. You have to spend hours reading. I got very interested in neurobiology at the university and that made me go to research. I worked a lot with mice to understand the brain. There are actually a lot of similarities between mice and men. We are mammals and biologically we are very similar. When I studied, it was said that approximately 95% of our DNA is similar. Today, that number has of course changed since we have new knowledge about working DNA (see eg https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn2352-just-2-5-of-dna-turns-mice-into-men/ ). It is important to understand that the knowledge we have today may be different in the future.

These last ten years I have been working a lot. Reading, writing, and a lot of photography. A new dissertation. No mice, but instead a wonderful camera. The dearest belonging I have. My previous mentor is a Professor and I have learned a lot from him. This time I have been working on my own. I have spent quite a lot of time trying to understand religion. Lately, I have been thinking about this Corona pandemic and religion. It has made me remember my encounter with Islam in Dubai.

As usual, I believe that music can unite various religions. So far, I have not shared any music from U2 since they sometimes have political messages included in their music. However, I feel very satisfied by finally sharing “Mysterious ways” by U2.
