The Home Guard

I am at home in the countryside. It is still chilly but the temperature is more plus Celsius than minus Celsius daytime. I haven’t been running for a while, but today I did my usual track. Seven kilometers and then walk with Molly. She was very happy and eager about that. I let her run in the forest and she enjoyed that a lot. Molly needs a prescription for tick medicine. And perhaps I should get myself vaccinated against TBE (tick-borne encephalitis). Like Covid-19, you need to have repeated vaccinations against TBE.

I continue to watch the news. Perhaps I shouldn´t and just close my eyes and don´t care. But I do feel some kind of frustration. Nothing was done to prevent this war. Perhaps there is a reason for this, but we will never know.

Today I followed the recommendations about having food at home for a week. This could be a meny:

  • Canned meat and fish
  • Canned vegetables
  • Rice or pasta
  • Potato powder
  • Canned soup
  • Canned fruit
  • Ham and marmalade
  • Soft cheese in a tube

The shelves were almost empty in the supermarket. People are shopping for canned food. Like when the pandemic started and the shelves were rapidly empty. Is it right or wrong to think like this? Anyway, this is food with long sustainability and you can eat it within three years.

Music is needed and I share “Disappear” with INXS.



March and endurance

Hi there. I have been busy with my studies. Campus studies have been great fun and challenging. It is different to study now compared to fifteen years ago. You use the internet more. First, I was not really sure if I could trust the information, but it is rather safe. Knowledge is constantly developing. You have to cope with so much literature and find what is important in a short time.


Meanwhile, I follow the news from Ukraine. It feels like we need to have a lot of endurance. This will take time. We are also waiting for brighter days, and today was the first day in summertime. It has been nice to spend time in Uppsala and I searched my photos and found this from “the English Park”, close to Carolina Rediviva. A glimpse from upcoming greenery.

Intense week

This week has been very interesting and intense. I have been stressed because it has been terrible to know that a war was going to break out. It feels like Ukraine is geopolitically close to Sweden. I have exchanged a few words with people who have escaped from war zones. They say that this is nothing. Moreover, COVID-19 is nothing. You just have to learn to live with war and accept it. But still, it is horrible and stressful to know that a war will start and that you can do nothing to prevent it.

The very first thing the EU mentioned was that economical sanctions against Russia were going to take place. My reflection is that historically, economical trade is something that keeps the world in peace. But this is exactly the opposite. The EU understands that this is war. I have also thought if this had been possible if Trump had been president of the USA. Trump is a businessman and he understands Putin. President Putin must have been provoked in some way, leading to this act of war. Nevermind. I do not have deep historical knowledge about Russia-Ukraine. My thoughts are with the people suffering from the war.

I am a student now and I feel so happy about that. These last two years I have been very careful about covid. This week, I have almost dropped my precautions. I dare to do that since I am vaccinated and also, I do not have much of a choice. There is no time for walking in Uppsala-Stockholm so I go municipal. The busses, trains, and subways are crowded. Students show no fear and that is a good attitude today. However, I do remind myself to be careful with handwashing.

Personally, my daily routines have changed. I attend lectures, a few hours of rest, and later, a few hours of studying in the evening. I remember that I loved this life. The fellow students that I have met have been so helpful. Student life is digital and it was a bit difficult in the beginning to navigate and find digital handouts. I do still keep my notes by writing ordinary notes. I am old-fashioned. I have a lot to study. This is good because it keeps my mind busy from thinking of Ukraine.

Stay safe 🐾


I will educate myself to deepen my knowledge of medicines and diseases for a more clinical focus. A new chapter in my life. I am stressed. It was a long time ago since I studied in Uppsala. At that time, I was lucky that it went easily and well. But this time. Will I be able to learn anything? I have just introduced myself to digital student life. I have the literature, and I have bought notepads just like I remembered I did then. A folder too. I feel lucky and I’m ready for studies on Monday.

We are in a somewhat strange situation right now. Ukraine is more or less surrounded by Russians. NATO is on its toes. President Biden says Putin can invade Ukraine at any time. This is what is affecting the world economy right now. Not the pandemic. The world is worried about war. I do not like that Russia will invade Ukraine and then we will see how it develops. But that is what apparently happens.

Yes, I have always been interested in history and I can not help following the news. The security policy situation in the world is very tense. Diplomacy works in silence.

I have been told that it is popular with education now during the pandemic. I always went by bicycle in Uppsala. Now I will go by bus for the first time. Or preferably walks if there is time. I am stressed!