East, West and poetry

Yes, it is a balancing act between America and Asia. A Chinese spy balloon, crossing the USA, was recently shut down by the Americans. From what altitude, over the USA, is air no longer American? Almost a philosophical question. When is air considered international? In times like these, China should understand that Pentagon was going to react. Ballons crossed during the Trump era, but no war was going on at that time.

Right now, I am a little worried about Sweden´s weak reaction to the burning of the Koran. This could lead to terror attacks. There have been terror attacks in Stockholm, and I hope there is some kind of civilian and military disaster response. And all the shootings going on in Sweden where very young people are involved in serious crimes. The Swedish military has already started to cooperate with the Swedish police, but why not show this in practice? I would like to see something similar to French civilian defense.

It is Monday, and I couldn´t stop myself from writing about society, simply because we need more initiative in practice from politicians. Personally, I have been spending time on training. And also some swimming. To sum up the latest posts I would like to end this evening’s writing by sharing one of my favorite poems. Inspired by the ocean.

Stay safe 🐾



The Ukraine war continues. Both Ukraine and Russia suffer. I am though, a little worried about the development with the involvement of the USA on one side, and North Corea on the other side. I hope the European Union, in between, stays calm. Approximately twenty years ago, one of Sweden´s most famous authors passed away, namely Astrid Lindgren. I have read most of her books, and I have seen a lot of movies made from her books as well. Most importantly, she wrote the fairytale “Pomperipossa in Monismanien”. If you don´t know it, please google or perhaps ask ChatGPT. It would be so interesting to know what she would have said about the world today.

Now I  suppose you know about Pomperipossa. I have a tax that I like, and that would be a tax on sugar and chocolate. It was abolished in Norway two years ago, and I do not know the exact reason. It would be interesting to see if there was a positive effect on people´s health.

Every day I see water and I am very happy about that. I have not traveled much during the pandemic, and I have thought of voyages I have made. Usually, I like to stay a few days on the beach, but later I need some activity. Today, I have stopped diving, and it was also a nice way of meeting new people. Snorkeling is fine now. You can still see a lot of animals. I remember once seeing a turtle in the ocean with a lost leg, but it looked like it was growing back.  Is that possible, I ask myself?

Stay safe 🐾

My continuous exercise voyage

Constantly, new words appear in our language. Some words never seem to change like the word sustainable. Am I alone in reading sustainability everywhere, and getting tired of it? We need to use a synonym for this word. It is an important word, I totally agree, but we need to find a synonym, for example continuously.

More than ten years ago, I started to focus on languages. I remember that at that time, I actually realized that the English language is much more diverse compared to my maternal language Swedish. Previously, I knew that in theory, but then I really understood.

At the end of every year, it is a pleasure to see what new words are introduced in various languages. Personally, the word “proactive” has become a recurrent word in 2022. When it comes to health and drugs a lot is about being proactive. Staying active is important, and exercise certainly affects eg blood pressure and glucose levels. Training is also a lot of fun.

This year, 2023, I will learn more about how food affects your health. I have read some previously, and I also got inspired by, anti-inflammatory food. It is the combination of training and healthy food that makes me smile.

Ending by sharing an inspiring summer photo. I love swimming in the ocean, especially in salty water. A happy tune is also motivating.



Today, a glimpse of spring

This morning birds were singing, and to my surprise, the sky was different. The days are getting brighter. I do know that there still will be snowy days, but anyway. I am on track with my lifestyle change. My trouble is that I do not know what to replace candy with. More fruit, and sometimes a bite of chocolate. It is important to sometimes reward yourself.

These days during winter a lot of people have sleeping problems. Personally, I like to go to sleep late, but I try to go to sleep earlier in wintertime. Summertime is somehow different. I thought of “Goodnight Mr. Bean” when he had difficulties falling asleep. Perhaps, this old story of counting sheep is useful for insomnia?

New Year’s resolution

Mini blog this evening. I was not alone in going for my usual exercise this afternoon. So many participants and could not find my ordinary dumbbells. Seems like I am not alone with New Year´s resolution. I had to go for heavier weights. Anyway, it is nice with Christmas with all candy and food, and I do know that food is my challenge this year, although I love food. Sharing “The Police”, since I know a lot of people are quitting smoking after New Year.I am not alone with resolutions.

Stay safe 🐾

2023 ✨

A new year has started with amazing sunshine, peace, and calm. With great expectations that the new year will bring happiness. No more war, no climate change, and political stability. Personally, I am looking forward to reading, writing, photography, and perhaps also some traveling. I have promised myself to use my camera more often and I have started. Wishing you a relaxing day and a happy start of 2023.