
I must admit, I have been very reluctant about using internet with regard to social media. However, this is the way the world works today. I have realized that I have to follow. To not be isolated. Maybe it depends on personality, but I prefer to meet people face to face. I am, maybe, a bit old fashioned.

But I must admit that I am amazed about all internet interactions. All new happenings and everything you can do with a computer. So, recently I learnt that Instagram is bigger than Facebook, so tonight I signed up for an account. And as you have seen I like photos a lot. The old expression “a picture tells more than a thousand words” might be true. So, Instagram now! But be patient, I need some time to learn 😉

Yesterday I had my birthday. I was very happy because the weather was so beautiful and I had a very nice walk. A lot of tourists in Stockholm. Italian, French, Russian, English…many languages. So, in a way, nice to travel just by having a walk.

Soon the end of the year and I am thinking of how future year will be. I am very interested in sports so that will definitely be one of my focuses this year. More live sports. I liked the hockey game I went to. Sports is better live.

I will continue to write. Writing, next to sport, is one of my main interests in life. So, all for tonight. I will try to learn more about Instagram!

Take care,



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