
I have a lot of focus on Hässelbyloppet. I am a little concerned about my time, because I don´t achieve better time when I exercise. I stay at one hour. I remember last time I run Hässelbyloppet that it was simpler (no hills) than “Tjejmilen” so my plan is to have so called mind focus. I have to run faster even though I feel acid in my muscles. I use Tigerbalsam® sometimes to reduce pain and it actually works. So, right now, I think my training only leads to burning calories. But that is good. I need to burn some fat.

Sports take a lot of time, but that is one of my big interests in life. Has always been in periods. Sometimes more, and sometimes less. It takes time to get dressed, to put the shoes on, do the work out, stretching and finally, get refreshed and refueled.

I like sports a lot. That makes me feel good. It is good for both body and soul. I write and I go jogging. I am having a good life. Little life. Daily life. SMHI predicts not so good weather on Sunday. But, I hope there will be sun and no rain.

I have to have patience. Patent is something to be developed over years. When I was about 20 years old I was always so eager. I still am, but I have learnt to hold my horses. Impulse control.

To get inspiration I start at the Stadium when I go running. Since my time is not improving I need to work on intervals. However, Stadium is currently closed for the public so I have to find a safe place where I can go exercising.

Since I am single it is good to have something to make you feel good. Sports definitely makes me feel good!

I don´t know if you have noticed that I changed photo on my sport tweet´s. That was stepping out of comfort zone. Exhausted after running, no make up but very, very happy! By the way, the photo was taken by my mother.

Bonne journée!



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