I read newspapers when I have the possibility. Sometimes I find inspiring headlines like this one above. Even though a pandemic is ongoing, life continues. And lately, there has been a lot of focus on climate change throughout the world. Small steps. Various countries have to make agreements since the air we breath is universal. No borders. Remember the disaster in Tjernobyl. Charcoal should be phased out and replaced by new energy sources, less harmful for the environment. The industry has to make changes to adapt. Little steps. Day by day.
Lady & Molly are right now having great times. I walked a lot with them earlier this autumn. They are spoiled. They are having dear for dinner since hunting season is ongoing. Lady likes bones, and due to her preferences, she is constipated. Dog problems.
I continue to share music, and I found a nice tune with the Rolling Stones “Sympathy for the Devil” – a Halloween song