Fungi and stay safe!

Molly has athlete’s foot. In Swedish it is called fungus. She likes to run a lot and suddenly she started to have pain in one of her feet. The veterinary explained that she has athlete’s foot. Molly is on treatment and she is recovering quickly. Every dog is unique. They have their own little thing that they like to do. Molly has always been very social, and I don’t know why, but she likes to put her paw on my cheek. The photo below is when she started to insist on learning me how to make selfies. Maybe to show that she needs attention and somebody to play with. Lady has had a hair cut so she is ok for the summer. She always shows that she is very independent but also social. I hope I will se them soon.

I write on various topics. From the NATO to dogs. It is soon midsummer, and holidays are beginning. Don’t forget to continue with distancing and hand washing!

Stay safe 🐾


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