When I don’t have much time, I do some mini blogging on Instagram. Like yesterday, when I asked for at recipe for making English fruit cake. I did not have fruitcake this Christmas even though it is a kind of tradition. But life is not what it used to be. Usually I am a bit lazy since I buy this fruit cake. but now I need nice thing to do at home during Corona restrictions. A friend shared a recipe, and now I will make the fruit cake this weekend. There were too many suggestions, and so different, when I browsed the internet.
I promised that I have a gift for you, dear reader. Translation to Swedish. I am getting good IT support, and I am learning. Computers are not my cup of tea, but when I get good help. I learn and I will apply this new way of writing. Surprisingly, I am so used to write in English, so I continue to write in English and then translate to Swedish. I really hope you appreciate this.
Stay safe