The prime minister of Sweden, Stefan Löfven, will resign in a few months. And we do not have any pandemic restrictions in Sweden any longer. Only unvaccinated should follow certain recommendations. I actually feel a bit relieved. Finally. I have been one of those being extremely careful during this pandemic. Since I like sports, it would be a disaster for me to get infected. I just love exercise. My greatest hobby. But of course, I will continue with hand washing and distancing. Other viruses are very active. Please read and remind yourself: handtvätt:handwash
Bombings and shootings are new normal in Sweden. No one bothers anymore. Is this how it should be – mind your own business? This is not the way I would like to live life. This weekend I will go for som peace and quiet. Still possible to go running, and I will. But I have to be careful since moose hunting is going on!