Once in a while I just need a change to find new inspiration. Just like I did when I went to London. It was rather warm in Stockholm when I returned. Today it has been snowing again. Good for my writing since I lit candles and stay at home. No jogging yet since I consider it to be too cold.
I got inspired in London. I could have stayed longer at the British Museum. So much to see. I saw something that caught my attention. Some kind of a citation as you can see above. A very beautiful sentence, I thought. Later, I found out that a famous British poet has this sentence in his “An Essay on Man”. Always challenging to interpret writing, but for me this is a reflection of humanity in words. The universe is explained in words instead of defining the universe by physics and biology. Words instead of molecules. Perhaps difficult to write the essay in Swedish since the English language is so diverse compared to Swedish.
Anyway, I have gathered new energy and I keep this beautiful sentence in my mind.