Category Archives: Uncategorized
My dog Molly taught me how to take selfies, so if it hadn’t been for her there wouldn’t have been a photo yesterday. I had forgotten what it was like to be in a race. I stepped out of my comfort zone. All the memories from previous races came flooding back. Sometimes I have had company and sometimes I have joined anyway. Those who participate always have the same interest, so meeting new people is easy.
My training was affected by COVID-19, which started in 2020. I started cycling instead to reduce the risk of getting infected. Now the pandemic is over and it was somehow liberating to be in the race yesterday.
Stay safe
Right now I am carefully following my recommendations to stay safe. After being subjected to serious identity fraud, I am trying in every way to protect myself. It was at a high level because my former supervisor Professor Jörgen Engel was attacked first. A few days later, friends of mine got in touch telling me that someone was trying to launder money through me. Very creepy, I thought. I recently paid back my student-finance loan.
Now it is only forward that counts. I have been busy organizing a big party in the countryside. Many thanks to everyone who participated and also helped to make it a nice get-together party. It was a fantastic and beautiful day and we were able to be out in the garden. It also felt like a starting point for my two books, which were Lady’s books. Now I can focus 100% on Molly’s book.
COVID-19 is no longer to be considered a socially dangerous disease. However, a party in the fresh country air couldn’t have been better since there have been a lot of viruses on the move during the summer. It should be noted that WHO still has a lot of information about covid In addition, it is good to remember to use hand sanitizer and keep your distance when necessary. And stay home if you are sick.
Tomorrow I will take part in the Midnattsloppet in Stockholm. After being exposed to this serious identity theft, my thoughts went to the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings Security level is still classified as high (4/5) in Sweden. It is important to be careful.
It is 14 years since I took part in Midnattsloppet in Göteborg. I searched for my finish time but it wasn’t there, but my friend Liza´s finishing time was there. Moreover, I also found out that the Midnattsloppet is canceled this year in Gothenburg. Strange. I remember though that there were some, for me, challenging slopes. In Stockholm, there is a challenging hill at Midnattsloppet. There is no doubt that I will be exhausted at Södermalm tomorrow.
Stay safe
A few years ago, I wrote my own, private, training diary. First of all, I noted my daily form for the day. I am not 100% fit every day. Today´s training was tough since I was so exhausted last time. I am making progress though. My breathing has improved. I do have time to think about something other than how bad my breathing is. Today, I remembered when I started jogging regularly. That was in Norway at Kråkerøy. A friend of mine and myself were registered for “Midnattsloppet” in Gothenburg. At that time I also had a basic level of fitness. However, I noticed that I lacked a lot of energy. I had several nice, slow and heavy runs at Kråkerøy.
A few weeks ago my ID was hacked. All I can say is that it has been tough. To do something, I have renewed my driving license, which was 10 years old. I also have a new national ID card. Previously, you had to show your ear when taking a picture. Now you have to look very serious. No smile at all.
The train service in France (TGV) was canceled on the day the Olympics were inaugurated in Paris. Today the Olympics are ongoing and everything is in order again. Sometimes there are also attacks on authorities in Sweden. Internet attacks are only accepted. No one says anything about what is causing it. Should we just go ahead and pretend like it is raining?
Stay safe
Authorities in Sweden rarely recommend people to boil their drinking water. However, this is now recommended at Lidingö. Precautions will prevail until the water analysis shows good values again. I searched for recommendations in the city of Stockholm, but there is only advice against swimming in certain bathing areas.
Yesterday was the opening of the 2024 Olympics in Paris. I am thrilled to see the boats with competitors from all the countries of the world gliding along the river Seine through Paris. Notre Dame is still under construction after the great fire. Lady Gaga sang at the beginning of the opening ceremony. Later, Snoop Dogg got to carry the Olympic torch a bit before the Olympic flame was lit . Thank you, Greece for the wonderful Olympic traditions where sports and history can meet and unite.
I struggle with exercise and currently, I find it quite difficult. At the same time, however, I know that it is at this point that you improve strength and fitness. Tomorrow, if weather permitting, I will go jogging again. I am careful with stretching to reduce the risk of inflammation in the muscles. My muscle memory, running memory, is still there. I charge all the positive energy needed to resist ID hacking.
Stay safe