Burpees & Power step

Today was the premiere after three months of basic training. Scarry. Would I be able to make it through the whole session? What would happen to the jumps? The goal was more to complete the jumps with less focus on flow. Would I again feel harmony with body and music? When everything kind of just flows. No thoughts, you just do, without thinking. For a moment, forget all the evil and war going on in the world.
It’s a strange situation. People have fled Russia to live a more peaceful life. In Sweden, many nationalities unite. This is sometimes a strange feeling. Who is the enemy? What should I be careful about? Similar to when the pandemic started and people who had been through World War II started talking with suspicion. Who can be trusted?
This song kind of sums up my day. My wait for the Power step that I longed so for with both delight and nervousness. Three months of basic training. It was time to put myself to the test. Love the beat in this SNAP and it’s tough! Perfect after black week. Something is said about Sputnik at the beginning, Russia’s first vaccine against covid.

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