I write in English and Swedish. Sometimes it is not completely obvious with translation in different languages. The lyrics may be a little different, but the spirit is the same. Today, I went for a walk with sweet Molly. She was in hospital over Easter but she has recovered. Molly became so overjoyed when she met me. When she is happy, she runs. Fast. Very fast for such a little dog. She has taken her tick medicine like all other dogs, and we went for a walk in the nice weather. I picked a tick on her fur. The medicine works.
It is an upside-down spring. Midsummer flowers are already in full glory and the lilac smells lovely. I believe the farmers want rain because it is dry in the forest and land. The cracks in the soil resemble the driest African soil imaginable. My camera had to work a little and you can see the result above. A recommendation is to take the opportunity and go for a walk to capture this moment of spring-summer. Time flies, because after herring come crayfish.