Author Archives: Anna

Blue sky means a good day!

It is lovely to wake up and find out that it is a beautiful day in Stockholm. Blue sky. That gives a lot of energy. Weather forecast says that it will be 30 degrees Celcius this weekend. However, I promised to work extra tomorrow. But I am happy anyway. I love my job where I get the opportunity to meet people everyday. And most importantly, feel that I can help people to improve their lives!

Have a niçe day!


An ordinary Wednesday

Today´s society is rather computerized. And I have, step by step, allowed myself to acclimatize and to go with the flow. I remember when there was no internet, no cellular phones… Yes, I am that old, but please don´t tell 😉

But with new technical progress, of course there are obstacles. Some from a theoretical- but also from a practical philosophical point of view. If you “fall off” the administration system do I exist? And then, how do I convince other people that I exist? I promise, this is really me! On the other hand, it can generate many good laughs if you continue to speculate.

Bon nuit,


From sunshine to rainy evening

One of my interests in life is exercise. It is good for your brain, heart as well as the rest of the body. Why state the obvious 😉 ? Of course, there are ups and downs. Sometimes periods of more exercise and also the opposite. Currently, more of the latter…

This morning, however, I went for a quick walk before going to work. It is nice to see how the city wakes up. One of my favorite places in Stockholm is Old town. I like feeling the atmosphere of history, all beautiful buildings. And with a little imagination you can see how life was in old days. A good way to begin a day!

Take care,


From country side to city

Right now I am back in Stockholm where I live. Beautiful city. As you might know, I have written some in Facebook, although in Swedish (and Norwegian 😉 ). Some friends of mine don´t speak Swedish and therefore I have chosen to communicate in English. However, I am not really used to this forum yet, but I promised you that I will share a piece of my daily life. Well, maybe not every day.

Today I am so happy because I think I finally have a good story for a novel. I have started several times to write but it has not turned out the way I expected. Restart… Not so encouraging. Time consuming. But fun! In a way it feels like a journey without a destination. And that is good because I love to travel.

Take care,


Summary of some lazy days

I have had a wonderful opportunity to stay in the country side for some days. Weather has been splendid and take note that I don´t exaggerate. Even though I must admit that the rain tonight was a feeling of relief since it is getting very dry. But fortunately, from what I understand, there will be a good harvest this autumn. At least in this region.

What else? The other night I was invited for dinner. A BBQ party in a beautiful garden; delicious food with nice company – thank you 🙂 It will really stay as a very nice memory. And when I returned home in the dusk I saw a grand rabbit crossing the road and a couple of roe deers jump up in the fields. Just like in a fairytale.

Sweet dreams,
