Author Archives: Anna
Hi friends!
What I wrote yesterday may be a little difficult to understand, especially since it is written in Swedish. I don´t want to use so much time to adjust what I have written, I just give an idea. A penny for my thougth 😉
Today is a rainy day in Stockholm so I am just relaxing and doing some laundry. It was a long time since I just had a day off with no plans at all. Quite nice, actually. It is also the darkest day of the year. Looking forward to some days off during Christmas.
Have a nice day!
Many hugs from Anna
…je me reste.
Jag försökte ändra tangentbordet till att skriva på franska men det var inte möjligt. Visste du att när man träffar någon som man tycker om så betyder doft väldigt mycket. Det har förmodligen att göra med att om det blir något kärleksbarn så blir immunförsvaret hos barnet väldigt starkt. Jag har gett upp hoppet om att träffa någon kärlek. Jag har försökt på alla sätt och nu låter jag ödet styra.
Jag tänker tillbaka på år som har passerat. Jag skrev förresten det här brevet i veckan. Har ändrat lite. Det jag skrev har satt igång några funderingar hos mig själv. Alltid svårt att veta vad som är rätt och fel. Och jag tror inte det är bra att välja antingen eller. Det är bättre att ödmjukt inse att verkligheten är komplex och att det oftast inte finns definitiva svar. Det är bara tiden som kan visa.
Brev till mina läsare:
Tonight I won´t write much. I´ll just say hey and hope you had a good day. I had the opportunity to speak some French today so a lot of memories from France returned. Je suis tres heureuse. I started to think about the very skilled Professor Jean-Pierre Changeux. I have read a lot about his work and he is very clever. He has shown how different acetylcholine receptors (subunits) are built, to the smallest molecule (nanometer size, I think). This is very important information for pharmaceutical companies. It will be very “easy” for them to target specific receptors to modulate behavior and/or/etcetera physiology.
So tonight I will spend a few minutes to further write on my theoretical pharmacology. I will from now on modulate and add some information to what I previously have written.
Bon nuit
I am in Uppsala waiting for train departure to Stockholm. Traveling with SL as usual. Rainy and gray day. I have stayed with my parents during the weekend. It has been so nice to take Lady for a walk. Blue sky and cold weather. For every step you take you hear the snow under your feet. December is here. Have you ever noticed what fun it is to see dogs meeting snow? At least the very first time. We also went to the cemetery to give light to some candles. Important to have in mind that life is fragile. I remind myself.
I have also watched slalom and Cross country skiing from St Morris. Charlotte Kalla shows very good skiing. Norway was very strong. Since I skied quite a lot during my adolescence, I like watching championships.
My mother has Alzheimer’s disease, and as you know, this is a rather common disease, an it is a disease that affects family a lot. I would like that my parents can live in our home as long as possible. That is most human. I joined a community that informs families about this complex disease and this fund also support research. Read in the local newspaper this morning that research is making progress.
Being big sister means a lot of responsibility.
I also have to take care of my self. I always try to act as a stewardess like when they inform about flight safety. First you have to help your self, then you can help children and people around you.
So, concerning myself. I have got double messages regarding cancer or not. Tests can be false positive or false negative. Since I am educated in this field, I know that this can be the results. However it is very rare, most methods are reliably and it depends on what method you use. That is why you need to validate a method to find its accuracy.
I saw Marie Fredriksson, half of Roxette, on TV. From what I can see I understand she has suffered during a lot of years due to a cancer diagnosis.
I know exactly how she feels to have cancer. And I know how it feels to hear that you don’t have cancer. It takes time to understand.
People are different. Some get happy directly after a such a relief. Some people, like me, needs time to reflect and let the information slowly reach the conciosness. People are different, please understand, and try to slowly accept that.
Pscycoimmuniology is a very interesting new field of research, and knowledge is difficult to prove. In brief, it is you attitude affecting how you feel. Saw they have started a research group in Lund. My attitude today is to believe that I am perfectly well.
I know that I need to loose weight because that is for sure that it decreases quality of well being. Since I soon turn 40, I know that the risk for health problems is increasing. But if I start to think “beach 2014” I have a realistic goal.
I am very happy if you leave some comments. What is you life philosophy? This is a site for freedom of speech. What you should have in mind is that it is very important to have a polite and respectful tone when you make comments. Then you will get nice answers back and a discussion, rather than a fight, can be held. Let’s remember politeness.
Have a wonderful Sunday,
I am staying up quite late tonight. Soon going to sleep. I told you previously that I am diagnosed with cancer. Tomorrow I will go to the doctor for a check up.
I have learnt to live with this. That is why I try to enjoy all moments of my life. I will make the best out of my life. I do not have any suicidal thoughts, maybe you thought of that Vanessa.
Sweet dreams
This weekend has been very nice and quite intense. Last time I wrote about how important it is to have a good sparetime. Art is one of my interests as I mentioned. And another interest is to travel. When it was discovered that I have cell changes eleven years ago I didn´t know what to do. And I still don´t know how to live my life. I will never know, I think.
I went on a journey to Cuba. Since I always has been interested in politics, Cuba was a very interesting destination. At that time, Sweden had sold some of governmental pharmacies. Previously owned by the “Staten”. To the best of my knowledge, there are only governmentally owned pharmacies in Sweden, Cuba and North Korea. Sweden has not yet fully let loose all pharmacies. In the aspect of freedom, and freedom of the people I think this is one of the questions that should be highly prioritized. Do we want to live in similar conditions?
I can tell a lot about my journey to Cuba. I don´t really know how I dared to travel alone, but I did. By coincidence I met a very nice couple who told me about “Buena vista social club”. I went to their concert and I met these friends. We danced to the music for a few hours and had very fun together. They were from Chile and Argentina. Teachers on a conference. I don´t know their names, but maybe someone will recognize and get in contact with me.
All for tonight.