Even though it was International Women’s Day yesterday, I had nothing to write about. The snowy weather took over completely and everything was directed at how to get through the day. I really love snow. That is wonderful. Today you can turn on the Christmas lights again. It is unusual in Stockholm with a lot of snow. The cars stress me out when I go by bike, but I go biking legally on my cycle lane. I can do nothing about the cars’ path blocked by the snow. The plow truck is coming soon.
About 25 years ago, when many things in life were still new, I remember saying that I would go home and clean and tidy up on International Women’s Day. My fellow students on the pharmacy program at the time agreed and thought it was good idea. Today I don’t know what to do. I mostly think that Valentine’s Day is better.
To play with the idea a little, one could ask how the world would look if more women were in leading political positions. Would there be more war? Difficult question to answer, but interesting nonetheless. The women I would like to highlight are Ursula von der Leyen and Angela Merkel. Merkel has secured Europe for many years, and nowadays Ursula von der Leyen is seen in various political contexts.
There was a dramatic change in the weather yesterday and I scrolled through my photos to illustrate my impressions of the day. I have respect for nature and it can definitely affect our everyday life. Here is an encounter that I will never forget, and by sharing this photo I am putting an end for today.