It is more time consuming to write in Swedish as well, but I hope you like this change! I do not use google translate. Day by day we are getting closer to – what should I say – liberty? A few days ago I bought some flowers to remind myself of spring and summer. Good to look forward. The florist actually talked like it is an ongoing war. Corona restrictions with limited number of customers etc. Being a political refugee must be terrible. I have been lucky and never lived in a war. Only news on tv.
Life is on hold and it is important to stay in a stable social bubble. A lot of people follow the Eurovision song contest. Good to have a rest from the virus and vaccines. I used to watch when Carola and Herreys competed, and I was a true supporter. Since I have friends who like watching Eurovision, I share Herreys.
By the way, any one who knows what has happened to Annie Löf? Has she become a maverick? She should talk to the former party leader Maud Olofsson for advice. Interesting to follow the domestic political development.
Stay safe 🐾