Hunting season

Hunting is going on in the forest. Elks are being hunted. There was no hunting today so I could go for a walk with sweetie. She is actually very demanding. She knows whats she wants and she is very eager. However, she is my very best friend, so I do everything I can for her. Tippa, on the other hand, is a little older and has more life experience. She has taught Lady a lot about life and how to gard the house.

I am preparing to go to Berlin. This is in a way a mind blowing voyage. For me. I don´t know much about Germany. I don´t speak German, but I understand some. There won´t be any problems because I know I will be able to speak English. So, what do I think of when I think of Berlin? I think of the wall. That don´t exist anymore. And also, since there is a presidental election going on in the US, I think of the speech given by John F Kennedy, “Ich bin ein Berliner”. In 1963.

The wall divided Berlin into East and West (the communist East and the democratic West). And from what I understand, the US saw what was going on during those cold war  years, but they never said anything. This speech was a way to forgive, when the wall had been pulled down, to the best of my knowledge.

I got some fresh apples today so I could make an apple pie. I like the smell of cinnamon and apples.

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