Freedom of writing and independence

There is a lot about so called “free word” in Sweden now. How politicians stop people of writing. Like in China. I used to be involved in politics but now I am politically independent. I am not a member of any political organization.

I have my values and they are probably inspired by both right and left values. If Borg had been elected as head of the right wing party, I would have stayed. But now politics is just a mess in Sweden. I would like to see something similar in Sweden as in the US. Two political parties where there is a democratic selection of leader. That is the most democratic way of living in a free country.

In a true democracy it should be possible to chose a new prime minister if he or she has done something very stupid. Like the Watergate scandal in the US. And as recently seen on Iceland.

Last weekend I went to Skansen with sweet auntie. We went to see the beer and her cubs. We also went to the Lappish area where Lappish culture is presented. She had this picture of me.




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