United Nations day

Today is an important day for all people on earth. It is the UN day. Some years ago I went to New York and my greatest memory is my visit to the United Nations. I went for a guided tour and there were nationalities from all over the world even though we were a small group.

The second world war was in focus, and it is also remembered in today´s Uppsala Nya tidning (vide infra). A lot of books, films, tv interviews etc have tried to understand what happened during world war two. However, the terrible, un-understandable that happened at that time point has happened in several other countries also; for example in Rwanda, previous Yugoslavia, today´s Syria. There are endless examples.

Maybe the biggest challenge is to answer the question “how is it possible that it can happen again?”. This is an simple question, but it has a very complex answer. In many dimensions. I cannot give you an answer, but unsolved conflicts between people is a part of the answer.

People need identity and to be seen. If I turn to myself, I am grown up with two identities. Lappish and Swedish. It would have been easier for me with just one identity. However, this is very common today. Growing up with double, or even more identities. This includes a lot. Culture, traditions, religion, languages, relatives all over the world etcetera. So, it is very complex. No answer such as yes or no; you need to develop and elaborate your answer. In a thousand years, to put things in perspective, I believe that these so called borders will not be so strong. I think that the world will be more peaceful because all these factors will be mixed up. At this time point other things such as access of water, food, climate change etc will determine the setup of the world.

To return to the UN, I have noticed that a lot of people don´t think that they act. They talk, but no actions. However, they send an important message that peace, not war should prevail.



PS. I better be careful with what I write since my father reads what I write






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