Daily Archives: 4 July, 2024

Stolen identity

Day by day I am making progress to get my identity back. It is like research, it is time consuming and demands high focus. I have been hacked a few times before, but this time is rather aggressive. When you meet an obstacle it is normal to feel that you want to do something to solve the problem.

I really felt that my identity was lost. It must have been a real person online on facebook pretending it was me. Yesterday I started to find out how to renew my driving license. It has to be renewed just in a few months. I also made an appointment for a completely new ID card at the police station. I have never had such a card. However, the law is currently changing and I need to keep updated. I want my stolen ID returned.

This whole thing made me think of a photo in Stockholm in 2013. I share it with you. The photographer is a friend of mine. This is how Writing & Leisure started.

Stay safe 🐾