Monthly Archives: June 2024

European Parliament

We mustn’t forget to vote this weekend. I was especially reminded of this because I received a reminder from the WWF (The World Wide Fund for Nature). Animals are not politics, I thought. Do not get the animals involved in politics was my immediate reaction. After a closer reflection and at a calmer stage, it is after all, the case that European politics affects our animals and nature.

I hope and believe that the farmers have easier to harvest. In addition, is also more convenient to travel within the EU. A few decades ago, there was a lot of talk about the Euro. I would like to vote no. To vote yes, I need very strong arguments. The UK still has its currency and it seems to be working for them. Norway also says no. On the other hand, without much knowledge, perhaps the Euro would facilitate Swedish trade because the Swedish krona is not internationally known, unlike the British pound.

I remember before the Swedish entry into the European Parliament, there was a lot of discussion about how the EU would regulate our everyday life. However, with the parliament’s subsidiarity principle, the size of cucumbers would not be regulated at EU level, it was said. We would also be allowed to keep the snuff. Where are we today some 30 years after European membership?

Well, some thoughts about Europe. However, the basic idea is to preserve peace and stability. This has thankfully been strengthened with our Swedish entry into NATO. Imagine that Sweden could actually have been Ukraine to get a realistic picture of the political security situation today.

Stay safe 🐾

Des langues

Quelques années après mes études à Pau, j’étais à une conférence scientifique en France. Le plus souvent, dans les contextes scientifiques, l’anglais est la langue utilisée. Cependant, un participant a été très clair et a souligné “comme nous sommes en France, nous parlons français”. Il l’a dit d’une manière très tranchante. Presque comme s’il avait été offensé.

Ce matin, l’homme à la réception m’a donné ma clé et en même temps il m’a dit “avec plaisir”. C’est exactement le nom de livre français au collège. Quelque chose que j’ai completement oublié, mais qui est soudain devenu si réel. Des memoires soit toujours la.

Les langues facilitent des choses, surtout si on en connaissez plusieurs. J’adore le français, c’est un peu comme chanter. Malheureusement, c’est dommage que je ne puisse pas le maintenir, mais maintenant je peux au moins regarder la télé, TF1. Aujourd’hui, j’ai aussi essayé de lire un journal. Le moins que je puisse faire soit de pratiquer la grammaire et le vocabulaire qu’il me reste.

Bonne journée


A few years after my studies in Pau, I was at a scientific conference in France. Most often, in scientific contexts, English is the language used. However, one participant was very clear and emphasized “as we are in France, we speak French”. He said it in a very sharp way. Almost as if he was offended.

This morning the man at the reception gave me my key and at the same time he said “with pleasure”. This is exactly the name of the French book we used in high school. Something I have completely forgot about, but suddenly it became so real. I still remember struggeling with French in high school.

Languages ​​make things easier, especially if you know several of them. I love French, it’s a bit like singing. Unfortunately, it’s a pity that I can’t maintain it, but now I can at least watch TV, TF1. Today I also tried to read a newspaper. The least I can do is practice the grammar and vocabulary that remains.

Have a nice day

Early summer in Nice

Since you can never be sure of Swedish summer weather, it is nice to go for a little trip to France. France really feels like an extra native country. Easy to rapidly settle in and finding a daily routine.

When I arrived yesterday, I wanted to go for a walk at once. Sporty France. Cycling is almost like a national sport among both young and old people. As usual, I cannot resist dogs and I got to pet this sweet Tintin. He didn’t want to jump out of the backpack. You can see that he enjoyed the bicycle ride as the photo above relieves.

Stay safe 🐾