Daily Archives: 2 August, 2023
Trench warfare in Ukraine reminds me of what was learned in history lessons about world war 1. More than a century ago. The world has developed a lot since then, but evil in the world seems to remain the same. Europe is under pressure. What was decided at the Maastricht Treaty is more important than ever. At that time, 12 countries signed the treaty. Today 27 European countries are members of what today is the European Union. Great Britain did Brexit and is no longer a member. However, they are members of NATO.
The Maastricht Treaty paved the way for the Euro. Sweden is such a small country, and perhaps we have to become members to take part in various future global trade. It would be interesting to take part of the pros and cons. When the Euro was introduced to EU members, such as Spain and Finland, I remember people saying that everything got so expensive.
Religion has more or less played a role in European wars over centuries. It still is today. We have freedom of speech in Sweden, and apparently, the burning of holy scripture is allowed. Burning, to my opinion, belongs to traditional bonfires in Sweden in May.
During summer I always listen to some interviews and one of these was with Hans Blix. He has a lot of international diplomatic negotiation experience over decades. Blix summarized the future, and he believes that we need an additional globe for human life. Two globes.
I am on holiday, but couldn´t resist writing. Actually, writing is relaxing. Today I am going for a walk and I still got the Mediterranean in my mind. What is next in my cooking, which also is a great hobby of mine, is making a Moussaka.
Stay safe 🐾