What does Swedish police do after 15 p.m. ?

Newspapers write a lot about ongoing love affairs within the police. We, the people, have the right to know what is going on since we are taxpayers. With regard to ongoing security issues in the world, this should immediately be taken care of. Instead, this affair is growing. Latest news tells us that the Swedish commander-in-chief is also involved in this love affair. Make love, not war, I completely agree, but we live rather close to Russia and we know what they are up to right now. We should remember that in 1981 a Soviet submarine S-363 hit an underwater rock in Karlskrona, in the south of Sweden.

Anyway, I have been doing some exercise. Strength and 1000-meter breaststroke. Thinking of beach 2023. Still a lot of training ahead. I have been doing a lot of spinning, but I hope I will start running again. My way of doing yoga, is when I have flow in running. Sharing this video which reminds us about reclaiming the streets.

Post-covid 💉

Finally, we are through the pandemic. I feel pleased that I have been able to work throughout these years. At that time, we had to count the number of customers in the pharmacy. Clean the counters with disinfectants, keep distance and wear a medical facemask. I sometimes wear a facemask as a reminder due to the flu and covid. Unfortunately, a lot of people still suffer from covid, but symptoms are not that severe due to vaccination. I am impressed that vaccines were invented so rapidly. Simultaneously, we have been introduced to new technology by using mRNA.

Mankind has crossed boundaries and pushed health and life forward.


I am happy that I again have my usual habits. To save time, I go for a little longer workouts. Often strength, and later cardio. Or vice versa. I know my pulse and that is important in doing the interval training that I will do tomorrow. There are so many benefits to going for workouts. That reduces my cravings for sweets. Anyway, I try to keep a balance, and yesterday I did the traditional Christmas saffron cakes. I do that every Christmas since I love going for long winter walks, and when I get home I have a cup of hot chocolate with saffron cakes. This balance is difficult to keep, I mean sweets and exercise, but I try to keep up the good work.

After two hours of exercise today, I had a selfie. A dogma photo on the go, showing a smiling, but tired Anna.

Name day

Friday, and it is my name day. I like the 9th of December and I would like to say happy name day to everybody namned Anna 🎉. According to Christmas tradition, it is the day when you soak lutefish which I don´t like. Cannot eat lutefish and fermented herring, unfortunately. Today is just a mini blog for all Annas, and I would like to connect to previous writing where the theme was spies. I haven´t listened so much to Spice girls, but this song is somehow very nice. And it gives energy. Perhaps they were inspired by this poem?

What are little boys made of?
What are little boys made of?
  Snips, snails
  And puppy-dogs’ tails
That’s what little boys are made of

What are little girls made of?
What are little girls made of?
  Sugar and spice
  And everything nice
That’s what little girls are made of

R. Southey (1774–1843)